Custom Shortcode III

My newsletter Form III


The above form use the following attributes…: list="1" title="My newsletter Form III" tags_label="Choose your interests" show_tags="beach,moutain,sports,music, holidays" hide_form_after_registration="0" custom_css ="p.yith_wcac_field_item:nth-of-type(2){float:left;width:50%}p.yith_wcac_field_item:nth-of-type(1){float:left;width:50%;padding-right:.5em}" background_color="#3089f7" text_color="#ffffff".

You can customize the subscription form defined from Shortcode options. Just you need add the following attributes…:

  • Default Attributes
    • list : (int) The id list that user will be added on Active Campaign.
    • title: (string) The form title.
    • submit_label: (string) The button Submit Label.
    • success_message: (string) The message that will be shows if register to Active Campaign has gone well.
    • hide_form_after_registration: (1,0) Choose if you prefer hide the shortcode form after registration. 1 = yes, 0=no.
    • status: (1,0) Set the current status for new user. 1 = active, 0 = unsubscribe.
    • instant_responders: (1,0) Set instant responders for new users (Status must be active). 1 = yes, 0 = no.
    • no_responders: (1,0) Do not send any future responders. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
    • send_last_message: (1,0) Whether or not to send last broadcast campaign. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
    • shows_tags: (string1, string2, …) Add the tags separated by commas,that will be added to registered user.
    • tags_label: (string) The tag label that describe tags to select.
  • Style Attributes
    • enable_style: (1,0) Enable custom style on form. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
    • round_corners: (1,0) Define if we want round corners on Submit Button. 1 = yes, 0 = no.
    • background_color: (string) Define the background color for Submit button.
    • text_color: (string) Define the text color for Submit button.
    • border_color: (string) Define the border color for Submit button.
    • background_hover_color: (string) Define the background color for Submit button when mouse is hover him.
    • text_hover_color: (string) Define the text color for Submit button when mouse is hover him.
    • border_hover_color: (string) Define the border color for Submit button when mouse is hover him.
    • custom_css: (string) Define any custom css style.
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