A powerful tool to add unlimited options and add-ons to your products.
Let’s see some examples:
Custom post – Copywriting service
A “copywriting” product with free and premium options displayed as select (Writing style, Lenght of article, Topic), a checkbox that enables a text area where the user can enter keywords, a delivery date field with the calendar, and an upload file field.
Apple MacBook with options
A customizable MacBook with various free and premium options displayed as labels (Display size, Processor, Memory), color swatches, radio buttons, and upsell products added as options.
Create your own pizza!
Build your “Create your own pizza” site with this plugin: in this example, users can choose their favorite toppings from a list of labels + images. They can also choose a delivery date (and time) and add something to drink as paid options.
Ring with options and custom engraving
A classic engagement/wedding ring with free and premium options displayed as images (Gold color), select (Ring size, Diamond size), a radio button with icons (Diamond shape), and a checkbox that enable an input field where the user can enter the text for a custom engraving option.
Customizable T-shirt
A customizable t-shirt with free and premium options displayed as images (T-shirt color), labels (Size), upload field (to allow customers to upload the logo to print in the t-shirt), and an input field where the user can enter an additional text to print under the logo image.
Customizable Box with shipping options
A customizable box with free and premium options displayed as select (Qty of items in the box), radio buttons with images (Carrier selection), labels (shipping options), checkbox, and a text area where the user can enter additional info about the delivery.
Customizable Baby Towel
A customizable baby towel with free and premium options displayed as images (Towel type) and a checkbox that enable an input field where the user can enter the baby’s name to engrave. Then the user can also uses a color picker to choose the color of this text.
Assemble your desktop PC
A composite product in which the user can assembly a pc choosing from product options (Motherboard, CPU, Computer case), checkbox (Computer assurance), and radio button (Delivery options).
Customizable print with frame
A customizable print with free and premium options displayed as color swatches, input field (Enter the baby’s name), date picker (Choose the date to show in the print) and an upsell product added as option.